Saturday, March 24, 2012

Birthdays and bobcats

My poor little birthday boy. He woke up to rainy, yucky weather and a non-stop cough complete with a runny, boogery nose. That's no way to spend your second birthday. We had a fun day planned, and it just wasn't working out. We had planned on meeting Heath down in Nashville after his early Friday meeting. We were going to go to the zoo (if it was nice) or to the science center (if it was rainy). Heath and I talked about it all morning, going back and forth. After lunch, we decided to cancel our big day in hopes that B could have a restful day at the house, a big nap, and maybe feel better the following day for his party. 

The boys weren't disappointed because we hadn't told them anything about our Nashville plans. Cash and I sang Happy Birthday to Baylen over some pancakes and honey for breakfast, and then we played around the house. Naptime came early, as both my boys were grumpy earlier (Cash had been fighting allergies and a cough, too). After their naps though, both boys were spunky and ready to go outside since it had stopped rainy.

Here's what the sky looked like after their naps. Still dark on the other side of the river.

As you can see behind this birthday boy's grin, the skies overhead were blue with only a few fluffy clouds. Cheese!

They decided to go check on "Wee's bobtat." 

Cash insisted on taking his bobcat down to woodpile, too. He thought this was so funny. "A widdle bobtat on da big bobtat, mommy!" (We're still working on our speech sounds, but the 'g' sounds has really improved!)

B had rocks in his Crocs. This child, seriously, would rather be barefoot than deal with boots or Crocs. 

"Give Mommy a big smile, and then I'll help you with your Croc."

"Another big smile for Mommy, and then I'll get that rock our of your Croc." I'm such a briber!

They wanted to sit in the bobcat, too, of course.

And then B decided to play with the bobcat while in the bobcat. Again, Cash thought this was hysterical.

"I'll smile for you, Mommy!" Man, I get some great smiles when posed around machinery. I should keep this in mind for our next family picture session.

Stay tuned for more birthday fun...

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