Friday, March 16, 2012

An eXcellent week

After spending forever deciding on a memory verse for this week, Heath and I finally came up with this one: 

EXcept you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:3

Using his new pencil to trace his numbers. Lots of concentration here - notice the tongue.

Every time he traced a new number, we would count out that many black-eyed peas and put them in the cup. Again, a great way to use these beans as I do not like to eat them. :)

I also introduced Cash to connect-the-dots this week. I found oodles online. Some used numbers while others used the alphabet, which was fun. We're still practicing connecting the dots with a straight line though. He kept wanting to "wander" around the page while looking for the next dot. It made for some interesting pictures.

Here's "britches" having some fun with his Do-A-Dot markers. 

The curriculum I use with Cash used xylophone to teach the letter X. I made sure Cash played the one at Grammy's house the week that we studied the letter X, but while we were in Glasgow that day, we also made a visit to Grandad's office to learn all about the x-ray machine.

My dad first showed Cash the x-ray machine and all it's parts. Then we decided to take an x-ray of "Chiro Cub." Thankfully, the bear was very cooperative.

we all hid behind the lead wall while Grandad pushed the button. Then we went into the dark room and watched Grandad develop the x-ray. Baylen didn't seem to mind the darkness or the red light, but Cash seemed a bit concerned that Grandad couldn't see what he was doing.

Here's Cash looking at an x-ray of a person's shoulder and spine. Doesn't he look like he's really taking it in? I didn't take a picture of the x-ray of the bear, but it was pretty interesting. I think Cash made the connection pretty well.

We also pretended that this was an x-ray of Cash. It was a toddler-sized skeleton that I printed out. Pretty cool.

Here they are figuring it all out. Cash told Baylen that it was too long to be him, and it was. We pointed out some of the different bones on the "x-ray" and Dad would show Cash where they were on him.

Although I didn't take a lot of pictures this week, we were busy doing lots of school games and also enjoying some of the beautiful weather. I can see where it's going to get harder to complete all of our school games when the weather continues to stay nice. That's okay. We'll take our time and soak in lots of spring weather while we have it!

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