Tuesday, March 13, 2012

V is for Valentine

Oh, me. It's the middle of March and I'm posting Valentine's Day school games. But I want these to be on the blog when I print it into a book, so here goes...

The boys were actually yucky sick on Valentine's Day. Both had fevers, Baylen had ear infections, and the week was just exhausting, and no school games were completed that week. We ended up celebrating Valentine's Day as a family a week later, and we also learned all about Valentine's Day and the letter Vv that next week, too.

Here's a peek at our week:

Cash put these hearts from smallest to largest on the window sill. He said, "This one is smallest. This one is largest, and this one is next largest and this one is next largest ... and this one is the largest of all!"

B loves Do-A-Dot markers. I've actually started printing off extra sheets for him to do while Cash is doing his school games. Here he's dotting the letter Ee. He does really well lining up the marker in the dots. Cheese! (Notice he's using his left hand here.)

I cut out two hearts for Cash. He wrote a little v on one and a big V on the other. Then he glued the corresponding letters to the right heart. Writing the letters was hard for him this week. I didn't realize how hard it would be for him to draw a diagonal-type line. He kept making one straight up and down and then "bending" the other one.

Of course, B wanted to glue on some hearts, too. I always try to include him -- never leaving out my smallest learner.

We did some graphing with conversation hearts. Cash tried one but spit it out. I'm right there with him. Baylen, on the other hand, ate them by the handful, and then I took the bag away. :)

Cash got a kick out of the "sayings" on the hearts. He'd say, "That doesn't make sense!"

He dotted all the letter Vv's on this sheet. 
(Have I mentioned www.overthebigmoon.com? It's a new find of mine. They have lots of fun printables there.)

We played Valentine's Day memory with Daddy on the coffee table. Cash loves Memory, and I can usually find enough pictures to make a Memory game for each different letter.

Cash and Heath also practiced their counting with these cards. Cash would count the pictures and then place the mini clothespin on the correct number. This game is sometimes harder for me to get Cash to complete. I think it's getting old to him, but when Heath was in on the school games, they became fun all over to him!

And then they colored a Valentine's Day picture for us to hang up, even though it was a week or so late.

It was a fun week for us. We did read lots of Valentine's Day books both while the boys were sick and the week after. Thankfully, I had those already picked up before they got sick. There's nothing like cuddling with a little guy and reading a book to help him feel better.

Verily, verily, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. -- John 6:47

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