Friday, March 23, 2012

9:46 am

Each year on the boys' birthdays, I try to take a picture of them at exactly the time that they were born. I'm not sure why. I started it when Cash turned one, and I've just kept it up ever since. When they get in school, it might be a different story, at least for Baylen anyway. Here's my post last year for Cash's third birthday. Birthdays are very special at our house, especially for our two little special boys.

9:46 am, March 23, 2010 (or closely thereafter, we didn't have anyone taking pictures at the exact moment) 7 lbs. 10 3/4 oz and 21 inches long, our second blessing

9:46 am, March 23, 2011 - riding a rocking horse at aunt Kathy's house, already walking for four months by this time, he was on the go, playful, and precious

9:46 am, March 23, 2012 - our big two year-old having his morning snack of applesauce-in-a-bag, one of his favorites, big eyes and a head full of blonde hair, he still keeps us on the go, thanking God for every bit of this little guy!

1 comment:

Sara Crane said...

oh what a neat and precious tradition! Totally amazing how fast they grow and change!