Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I wuv my new pencil, mommy!

I had a surprise for Cash, and I was super excited about giving it to him. I had hand-picked it myself, and I'd been thinking about it for weeks. You'd think it was something huge, but really it was just his first pencil. Crazy! But it really wasn't just his first pencil. It was brand new, yellow, and thick for his little hand to grasp. It had a clean, white eraser at the top, and you would have thought I'd just given him the biggest bowl of ice cream ever. So it was just his first pencil...

He loved it! Seriously, he hugged it and then gave me a huge hug! He showed it to Heath as soon as he walked in the backdoor that evening. It was so sweet to see him so excited about something. I know this stage isn't going to last forever.

He held it perfectly as he tested it out on his Sesame Street maze. Coloring in anything that was white, he ran the tip over the paper with a smile (and his tongue out, of course.)

What a big boy! My firstborn is indeed such a grown-up lil' man here.

Oh, me. I love this innocent full-of-joy life! I'm so thankful for him and his curiosity towards all things. (I'm also thankful that this new pencil has sparked a new wave of energy towards his tracing and writing!)

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