Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Can you tell me how to get...

On Tuesday, March 27th, Mom and I took all three of the grandboys to SKyPAC to see Elmo and Friends. I'm not sure who really was more excited about it, mom and I or the boys. :)

The show was at 10:30, but mom and I wanted to leave plenty of time to find a parking place, get inside and buy anything that "the boys needed." We met at 9:30, and after parking in the new parking structure, we made our way into the new SKyPAC. (I love, love, love it!) There was lots of things the boys could do before the show even started, although I think they were overwhelmed at first, we made our way around the foyer area dancing with Zoe, singing with Elmo and sitting on the front steps to Hooper's Store and Gordon's apartment.

Cash and Baylen checked out Elmo's piano in the "Elmo's World" area. Cash used to love Elmo's World. He'll still watch it if it's on, but Tom and Jerry is definitely more liked now. Baylen just doesn't watch TV at all. He knows who some of the characters are though, from Cash's books and having Sesame Street on some mornings.

I had to include this picture. It shows their true character. Here they are fighting over who gets to push the button to make Elmo talk.

Waiting for the show to start - Cash was very excited, but Kennick was unsure of it all.

Kennick sat with mom during the show. He's not a fan of "live" characters, so he stuck close to Grammy!

Excited boy!

Bert and Ernie were the first on stage. (My personal favorite.)

Then Big Bird came out, too. Baylen started getting interested when the familiar Sesame Street song came on.

Yay! B was in my lap, and Cash was sitting next to us. Cash carefully pointed out all of these guys to little  brother.

During the intermission, Cash decided he wanted to put on his super cape. (The plot involved Super Grover losing his super powers. In the end, he learned that to be "super" you had to eat healthy foods, exercise, get plenty of rest, and have good hygiene. I'm not sure the kids picked up on this plot line or the agenda with it, but they all enjoyed the show!)

Can't you tell? Yes, about halfway to intermission, B decided to fall asleep. He woke up right after intermission and watched the rest of the show. He just needed a small nap to get him through all the fun!

There's Captain Fuzzy, or Elmo with his super cape, rescuing Oscar's World.

Yes, in the end, Abby, Telly, Elmo and Zoe all taught Grover the lesson - in order to be super, you had to take care of yourself! :)

Happy boys sitting with Grammy watching the show. (Notice the elaborate, beautiful chairs in the new SKyPAC.)

Before we left, Grammy bought each of the boys the "spinning Elmo light." 

Yay for Elmo and Super Grover, and yay for Grammy!

I'm so happy that the boys are able to go to things like this. We took Cash when he was 18 months old to see Elmo in Nashville. He was in love with Sesame Street at the time. I can still remember going to see Sesame Street on ice in Nashville, too, when I was little. I'm hoping that these are fun memories that will last a lifetime!

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