Friday, March 16, 2012

K is for kite

March 10, 2012

We had been learning about the letter K all week long. We did lots of school games that included a kite and the letters. We counted, sang, did our calendar time, read lots of kite books, and we even started using a toothbrushing chart in hopes of brushing our teeth more regularly, something we struggle with. I promised the boys a treat if they got 10 stars on their charts by the weekend. (Honestly, this is something that I need to improve on, not so much the boys. I always forget to have them brush twice a day. We're getting there, though.) Well, they got their ten stars and were rewarded with kites on Saturday. We were going to my Granny's house that day, so we took them along and planned to fly them there.

Here's Heath putting together the Lightning McQueen one.

Go figure. The Buzz Lightyear one was a blow-up kite. I don't recommend them. :)

Yay! It wasn't very windy at all that day, although it had been super windy all week. Here's Cash running with the Lightning McQueen kite. He did a really good job, especially since it was his first time.

Those little legs ran all over the fields that afternoon!

The Buzz Lightyear kite didn't fly too well. My dad got it to fly pretty high one time, but then it got a hole in it. Here's my dad flying the Lightning McQueen one later.

My aunt Kathy came over with Kenle to play and watch the kites.

Cash got more interested in playing with Abby, my Granny's dog. It's much easier to throw a stick than it is to run all over the fields with a kite!

This was my attempt to take a picture of B while I was holding him. He loves this hat, and whenever it's the slightest bit windy or chilly, it goes on to protect his little ears.

Then the fun turned to Granny's playhouse and slide. Big eyes!

Sweet smile! 

Of course, Cash found his one true love, Scoop the backhoe, and made his way to Granny's landscape gravel.

Dad whistled to let everyone know it was time to go. The little ones were amazed by his loud whistling ability. :)

All the while, my mom and Granny were inside working on B's birthday shirt for his party. Yay! He loved it, and it took some coaxing to get it off of him that night. Happy boy!

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