Monday, March 26, 2012

Party time for B!

By Saturday morning, the 24th, Baylen was a whole new kid. Well, he was two now, but he also had lost the cough that had slowed him down the two days before. He still had a bit of a runny nose, but for the most part, he was ready for his party! We finished doing some things around the house, I ran into town to pick up the cake, and by mid-afternoon, family began arriving and both B and Cash had finished their naps.

Here's my sweet guy with his "tractor, tractor" birthday cake, and yes, it's all edible. Tammy always does such a great job on the boys' cakes. 

On top was a pig, the sheep was in the middle, and, as requested, there was a cow on his cake, too. 

We hung some balloons around, had a banner behind his seat, I hung some streamers from the balcony and placed all their John Deere toys around on the tables. Easy decorating for this party!

Here's mom and Bubba on the swing with B and Kennick. Most everyone arrived early to hang out, catch up and see how big the new two year-old was! :)

I used my Cricut (shocker!) to make this "banner" for the mantle. Lots of pictures of Baylen Neal and some tractors, too.

Here he is waiting for his cake. 

Yay! (Seriously, the cake was super heavy.)

And he blew them out on the first try! Big boy!

Here's his piece of cake. He didn't finish it all. Not sure why - it was delicious! And these special balloons were tied to his chair.

My aunt Kathy is always the cake cutter. The top layer was white and the bottom layer was chocolate chip. Most everyone had a piece of cake, some had two or three pieces. Those names will not be revealed here. :)


Cheese! Notice his tractor, tractor birthday shirt that Gran-Granny made him. He loves it!

Cousins Kennick and Kenle were there to celebrate the big day, too!

And, of course, Cash ate up his piece of cake, and was soon ready to open presents!

Here he is "reading" the first card. (Thanks to Bubba for taking pictures!)

He got a pair of binoculars from aunt Kathy and J.P. He took them immediately to Heath. I think he knows that Heath always has a pocket knife and can get toys out of packaging the quickest.


Everyone loved the new binoculars!

Next he opened a wheelbarrow from Grammy and Grandad!

Here he is reading the card from Aunt Stacy and Nathan. They gave him lots of sand toys and a new tractor.

Gran-Granny gave him a red rocking chair. (When the three older great-grandbabies were just a year old, she got them all wooden rocking chairs for Christmas. I told her that Baylen's could be red when he got one, so we would know them apart. Baylen is always rocking in Cash's chair, so now he has his very own.)

And what's in this box from Grandad?

Oh, wow! He's probably worn this every day since he got it - it's a baseball glove. Grandad searched high and low for a small, right-hand glove (or do you call it a left-handed glove?). Anyway, we think B is going to be a southpaw, so instead of wearing Cash's upside-down on his right hand, he has his own now!

His last present was a blower, just like daddy's, only his blows bubbles!

He did love his baseball glove, though. Here he is asking Grandad to play catch. :)

And that was his party... lots of family gathered together to celebrate the life of our sweet little two year-old. Happy, happy birthday Baylen Neal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did he get enough Lowe's cards to start that play gym yet (swing set) what ever you call it? Can't wait to see Heath build it, I'm sure he'll use his imagination on it.