Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 10 of 2011

I posted last year the Top 10 of 2010, and so I thought that I should do it again this year. I didn't think I'd have such a hard time coming up with a list, but I did. The year seems to have been consumed by the house, so we didn't take any special trips. No babies were added, either, but I managed to come up with ten highlights of our year.

10. My stand mixer

Yes. I had to make my stand mixer one of the top ten. Not just because it's the best thing ever, but because I was struggling to find ten things for this year... But I do love my stand mixer, and I foresee some weight gaining in the new year because I love to use it. I mixed waffle batter and biscuit dough in it the other day just because I wanted to use it. :) No pictures yet, but I'm sure they'll be in a future post.

9. Advent

First of all, the season and reason for Advent is amazing enough, but when you add in time with family, sharing the story of Jesus with two little ones, seeing your husband water color with your one year-old and having a tree filled with handmade ornaments, you have an awesome experience and many, many sweet memories. I love, love, LOVE the book that we used this year (yes, the Bible), but also Truth in the Tinsel. It was perfect for the ages of the boys, and the hands-on aspect of it allowed us to discuss the scripture with the boys while they were making something tangible. We are definitely going to continue our family worship time, but we look forward to Advent again next year.

Heath and Cash during Advent

Heath and Baylen working on an ornament during Advent

8. More time with PawPaw 

One of the highlights of last year was Heath's dad moving north to Scottsville from Georgia. We were very excited to have him just fifteen minutes away. The boys have been able to play at his house with his two little dogs, and Marlo was even able to help Heath with some of the concrete this summer. We look forward to lots of more time with PawPaw in 2012!

Me, Baylen and PawPaw in January

the boys with PawPaw on his birthday 

7. 30, 33, 1 and 3

Birthdays are always very special to me. My birthday is one of my favorite days of the year, and I try to make everyone else's birthday a special day, too. This year I turned the big 3-0. It wasn't a big deal, really. We got together with family, I fed a calf a bottle because Cash was too timid, and my aunt gave me Geritol for a present. Heath turned 33 in February. He had been super busy with the house, so we had a fun meal at mom's house and put together some of his favorites for an odd birthday cake and baked his favorite cookies. B turned ONE in March. We celebrated at my sister's house with all of our family, and he received lots of fun presents. Cash turned three in June. He had a special birthday party because it was the first birthday party in our new house. We had moved in the week before, and I was determined to have it here at our new home. My aunt Kathy got him Cranky the Crane, and he was in heaven. It was a great year for birthdays! 

Me on my 30th birthday

Heath with his interesting "cake" on his birthday

Baylen on his first birthday

Cash on his third birthday with his Thomas cake

6. Six months in Glasgow

After closing on the house in late December, we moved into my parents' house in Glasgow. We broke ground at our land in BG on January 3rd, and the race was on to finish it. We were very blessed to be able to stay with my parents. They were a huge help with the boys as Heath worked early mornings and late nights in Nashville and the land. It was also a precious time to be closer to all my family. The boys loved spending time with their cousin Kennick, Kenle, Kathy, J.P. and Gran-Granny on a regular basis.

breaking ground at the land, January 3rd, 2011

5. The gravel pile

What was originally just a load of gravel that was brought so Heath could finish our retaining wall, is now the boys' favorite place to play. Every warm day this past fall, we would make the trek up the hill with toys in hand to play for a half-hour to an hour. It was great fun for both of them, and I'll have to say that I enjoyed it, too. It also led to lots of nature walks down the gravel path in the "big tree forest."
We have since moved some of the gravel pile inside. Have I blogged about that yet? I don't think I have. What used to be Cash's sandbox is now the gravel pile in the basement. They slide on their camouflage slippers and play downstairs in the gravel with all their same toys. It's a great way to pass chilly afternoons.


Baylen at the gravel pile this fall

Cash and Baylen playing in the gravel downstairs a few weeks ago

4. "School games"

It's no doubt that our "school games" have become a big part of our days. I love mornings where I get to watch the news while I fix breakfast, we eat together, and then the boys are ready for some fun "school games." The TV gets switched off, the music on, and we have some mommy and little guys time. I'm so impressed with Cash's attention to detail and memorization. He's getting really good at writing letters and tracing, but his favorites continue to be anything with problem solving. I have to mention B here, too. The "school games" were originally intended for Cash, but more and more I catch myself printing out things for Baylen, too, or making sure that I have enough materials for two to complete an activity. The Bible verse memorization from Baylen is amazing, too. He loves standing on the coffee table (don't flip out on me!) and reciting his verses along with Cash. 

Cash practicing his tracing this fall

3. Heath was promoted to Project Manager

This was an unexpected blessing and adjustment for us this year. We were all excited about this new opportunity, but at the same time, we knew that it would mean more time and a completely different change of pace for Heath. He went from hard hat, truck, tools and on site to desk, car, paperwork and meetings. It has it's ups and downs, but I think Heath is getting into a new groove. He's had a very successful past six months as PM, and for that we are thankful.

2. Rich Pond Baptist Church

When we moved back to Bowling Green from Glasgow, we knew that we weren't going to continue attending Living Hope. It had been on our minds for quite awhile, and we knew that the Lord was leading us to find a new church. We started visiting Rich Pond Baptist Church regularly after we had settled into our new house, and after being blown away by the rich teaching and absolute love for the scripture, we knew that God was calling us to join and serve this church. We joined the church in late July, and since then have been welcomed by so many people and have already made some great new friends. We serve an awesome God, and we are excited about what He has planned for us at our new church home.

1. Our "new house"

the boys, July 1, 2011

We moved into our new house the second full week of June and spent our first night in the house on June 16th. It was so wonderful to wake up altogether in our new house, and we've really enjoyed most everything about it since then. We praise God for pouring out His blessings on us.

Happy new year from the Doggetts! We hope that you will truly be blessed in the new year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

A special Flashback Friday

Today I got together with some of my sweet pledge sisters. Although we don't see each other very often, we try to keep in touch and we definitely want to celebrate when something special happens in one of our lives, and this week something very special did happen to one of us! My friend, K, and her husband were able to welcome into their home a precious little newborn to foster. This little baby was born earlier in the week, they were able to bring it home, and experience all that new parents experience with an infant. How fun! 

As sisters who wanted to show love and celebrate with her, we gave her a very small shower to help out with some basic things. She received sleepers, blankets, socks, burp cloths, and a bouncer. We had a great time catching up, loving on the baby, and watching the bigger kids play.

Here's Baylen helping her open one of the presents.

Emaline was there, too, laughing and playing with the big kids.

There's Anne Rhoades! She and Tay were busy running away from the "bad guy."

How fun! Baylen took over Tay's police cruiser. 

Here's the flashback for you:

Tay, Maddie, AR and Cash, January 2010

Baylen, Cash, Tay, AR and Emaline, December 2011

AOII sisters, January 2010 (I was 7 months pregnant with B here)

AOII sisters, December 2011

Just a side note: On the way to the get-together that day, we stopped by Toys-R-Us to buy a present (I would have done it earlier, but my coupon didn't start until that day). I asked the boys what kind of present we should buy the baby. Cash suggested "gold." I smiled knowing what he was thinking. I told him that baby M probably wouldn't be able to play with gold. He corrected me and told me that the baby's name was Baby Jesus. We had to clarify who we were going to see, and then Cash asked me who the baby's mommy and daddy were. I told him that the baby's mommy was K and his daddy was David. "Just like in the town of David, Mommy." :) I love the little things that come out showing that they do listen, sometimes.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

One year later

On December 29, 2010, we closed on our house on Covington Street. We said good-bye to our little house, and then we moved to Glasgow. On January 3rd, we broke ground on our new house. What a difference a year makes!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas night

Christmas night was spent in Glasgow at my parents' house. My sister, Derek and Kennick made the short trip over, too. (They live two streets away from my parents!) Our agenda was playtime, supper, presents, and more playtime. 

Karalee got this cool phone attachment for Christmas. You plug it into your smart phone and use it to talk in to. Baylen loved it, as you can tell.

After supper, we made our way downstairs and took a few pictures before opening presents. Here we are, the whole Doggett crew.

They tore into their presents that night. I guess the practice that they had Friday night, Saturday night and earlier that morning helped.

Cash got more Do-A-Dot markers! Woo hoo!

B got lots of Sesame Street books from Bubba and O.

Cash wanted to stop and read his cool machine book he got from Grammy and Grandad.

Kennick wanted to read his book, too. He loves the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

I wish I had a better picture of the sock monkeys that Karalee got the boys. They are 38 inches long. B got a blue one and Cash got a red one. They're so fun, and will be a great addition to the playroom.

See? He loves sitting with his aunt Bubba. He was helping her open the present from us.

Here's Heath opening his present. He got a leg quiver, another camera mount and a toolbox. He's all set now!

Derek got new saw horses. Hmmm...

I was super excited to open my box from mom and dad. I got new spatulas, new measuring spoons and a two cup measuring cup.

I'm not quite sure what Bubba is so excited about in this picture. I'll have to ask, but both the big boys were very helpful present openers this year.

I also got a dustpan and broom from mom. She's always complaining that I need one at my house. (See the huge sock monkeys in the chair behind me?) Later I opened my new stand mixer from mom and dad. I was really hoping to get it for Christmas and not my birthday (less than a month away). It's the only thing that I asked for this year. :)

If you've talked to Cash at all in the past two months, you probably know that he wanted a backhoe for Christmas. It's all he's talked about, and Grandad came through for him! It's a pretty awesome one, too.

Kids love boxes. :)

He quickly became his new favorite toy.

And B got what he wanted (or what Cash wanted him to get), a bobcat. It's an awesome one, too. They work pretty much just like the real ones do. (Minus the diesel fuel and such...)

Happy boy.

Kennick got a CD player for Christmas from Grammy and Grandad. He loves music and is always singing his favorite songs.

Their big present this year was a tool bench, and Cash and B love their tool bench! Hammers, drills, screws, wrenches, and nails. It was perfect!

The rest of the playtime was filled with lots of drilling and banging.

Thanks Grammy and Grandad! (We've since put this in the foyer for them to play with.)

As if the backhoe, bobcat and tool bench weren't enough, Grandad made the boys stools. We've been needed some extra stools around here for teeth brushing time. The boys loved them! 

Can't you tell?

Bubba, O and Kennick got the boys a joint present, too. It's a cardboard playhouse that you build and then color. The box says it's over five foot tall! They will come in handy this winter!

The boys used their stools to play with the work bench while the adults (are we adults?) relaxed and then started packing the cars. The Oldenkamps were leaving for Iowa the next morning. They planned to get there Tuesday and spend the rest of the week with Derek's family. 

What a fun Christmas it was! Heath and I agree, though, that celebrating Advent with the boys every night in December truly made it a special month and a very special season.

First Christmas in our "new house"

Christmas morning didn't quite go as I had planned, but seriously, what really does ... Cash and B woke up around the same time (7:30ish). When they got downstairs they saw the presents that Heath and I had set out after we carried them in from Gran-Granny's house. They weren't overly excited about it. I guess the fact that B isn't a morning person (he has to have his gummies first) and Cash said he didn't feel well, was the biggest reason. Cash curled up in his chair and fell back asleep while Heath and B played and I started making Jesus' birthday cake (yummy coffee cake!). We finally got everyone perked up, and we were able to open a few presents before church.

Here are my sweeties Christmas morning in their Christmas jammies.

Oh, my. What handsome faces! :)

Not sure why they were holding hands. They do that every once in awhile, at random times.

B opened his first present with ease. It was a fun talking truck that goes with his Wheelies he got for his birthday. He was very excited about it ....

until Cash opened his first present, and then B wanted a Mickey rocketship, too. *sigh*

I did manage to turn his focus back to his toy. Once it was out of the box, making noises, and cars were racing out of it, it seemed like a much cooler present.

See? "Cheese!"

Here's Heath with the present that the boys got them. It was a tire plugger, a fun coffee mug and some new shop rags. Woo hoo!

After singing happy birthday to Jesus, scarfing down some delicious coffee cake and rushing to get ready, we made it to church early enough to get a good seat for worship. I was excited about being in church on Christmas day. How perfect! I was a little nervous about how the boys would do in "big church." I took some play things and lots of snacks, and they did just fine. (I think Heath's nerves were shot by the end of it, though!) Did I get a picture of all of us dressed up on Christmas morning? Nope.

We came back home, had a little lunch, and then finished our Advent activities. One last devotion, one last ornament ... 

We read Philippians 2:6-8 and the ornament was a colorful cross. We explained to the boys that the cross was in the picture the whole time. Jesus came so that He could die for us. What a special message for Christmas day!

The ornaments were easy to put together. A few pipe cleaners and some beads, and ...

wah-lah! Two crosses for our tree to remind us of God's present to us - a Savior that would one day die for us.

The boys still had two more presents to open (they get three each). Cash got a cool double shot gun (pretend, of course), and B got a toy cash register. Again, B wanted Cash's gift. I've decided that next year I'm getting them both the same present. 

Then they each had a third box that had a shirt and either a book or puzzle in it.

Yeah, they were really excited about the shirts. Can't you tell?

Oh, me. It was a fun Christmas morning and afternoon. The boys went down for a quick nap, and then it was time to head to Glasgow for our last Christmas get-together of the year.