Tuesday, December 13, 2011


During the first week of December, we did lots of "school games" looking at the letter H. In the curriculum that I bought back in the fall, H is for hippo. We did most of those, but I also added in house and hands. Both the boys memorized Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Heath and I thought that it was a very, very important verse, so we wanted B to at least memorize the first part of it, too. There were lots of opportunities to talk about this verse, too, throughout the week. :)

I also added in a color-by-number Christmas tree. Tis the season so we started early getting "in the spirit!"

Graphing hippos -- very colorful hippos!

Instead of using stickers or his Do-A-Dots on his Hh page, he wanted to color in the circles with his markers. This lasted about five minutes, then he decided it would be easier to use his Do-A-Dots. 

We colored and traced a Hippo page. We also read LOTS of books about hippos this week. Their favorite was Hippo goes Bananas.

And Cash used mini-clothespins to practice his counting on hippo number cards.

We ended the week on Friday by having Hot cereal (oatmeal) for breakfast, Hot dogs for lunch and Hamburgers for supper. We also watched the silly movie (highly recommend) Horton Hears and Who! It was a great week, but I'll have to admit that I was looking forward to getting more into the Christmas "school games" and Advent.

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