Friday, December 23, 2011

21 months and silly

B is 21 months old today ... and silly. After the serious and completely focused character of Cash, Baylen Neal is certainly a funny, goofy change to our household. 

We caught him here, sitting on Grammy's piano, "reading" all her Christmas cards the other day. Yes, he did just climb up there, plop himself down and go through the cards one by one. 

Then he decided to turn on Grandad's massage chair and relax.

He made himself quite comfortable and stayed there for quite awhile getting a nice little rub down. He loves the vibrating part of it!

Later he posed for a picture with some beads around his neck. This hand-on-the-hip is a new thing and very, very funny! Look at that "cheese!"
(Yes, his face is dirty, and yes, it usually stays that way. He's a very sloppy, independent, "my-do-it eater that hates his face washed.)

And I snapped a picture of him sitting back in the chair with Grandad later that evening. That's actually Grandad's alarm clock that he managed to get from their bedroom and carry around the house. "Cheese!" again.

Indeed he is our goofy little guy, and we wouldn't have him any other way.

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