Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sand time with just B

It's rare that I get to spend alone time with my boys individually. It used to be that B would nap in the morning, then Cash would nap right after lunch, and B would nap again before supper. That made for a crazy day with no rest for mommy, but lots of one-on-one time. Not anymore. Since they (usually) nap at the same time, one-on-one time doesn't come often, so when it does, I soak it up. No catching up on laundry, blogging, or reading, it's me and ONE boy. I love it!

The other day, B had taken an early nap (sometimes it happens when he needs to catch up on some sleep), so when Cash laid down, I decided to do something fun with my little guy. He loves sand, and he loves the color purple, so I got an old photo box that I'd been saving, dumped in a bag of purple craft sand, rounded up some fun toys/tools, and we had some fun together.

First we used our fingers to play in the sand. I made some shapes in the sand, and we would practice saying the shape names, and then he pretended to draw shapes, too. He did a great job drawing a circle, but all the other shapes ("tygle" "sware," etc.) looked like a circle, too. :)

Then he used all four fingers to play. He loved just feeling it!

Please note that I did this on the carpet while highly supervised. I figured if any got on the carpet, I could just vacuum it up, and I did!

I also got him some measuring spoons. We made piles, scooped some into other bowls, and even dumped some on the carpet. Nice.

Of course, Alfie and our John Deeres had to make an appearance.

I loved watching B learn and explore on his own. Usually when the boys are playing together, B watches Cash and does what he does. When it was just B on his own, he really took his time and just played. It seemed like he was really thinking about it all, too.

Yes, this is what he wore all day long. I sometimes look back at the pictures of me when I was growing up and think, "What was mom thinking?" Now I understand. When you don't go anywhere, it's cold and rainy, and you're 21 months old, it doesn't matter as long as it's warm and comfortable! (Love you, mom!)

Oh, yes. We also used some craft sticks to stir the sand. What a precious time for me and my little guy! Just me and him, enjoying some quiet time with no interruptions. It's times like these that I wish I could just freeze time... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez, what a great mother you are.