Friday, December 16, 2011

Flashback Friday

September 2, 2008
What a great day it was! Cash was two months old, and Heath had just purchased our very first lawn mower! How exciting! We had been using a borrowed-mower from my Granny for years, since I bought the house, and Heath had decided it was time to buy our own and give her's back. He found one at Lowe's that had been returned for some reason, so he got a deal on it. We loved the mower because it was so reliable. Cash loved it, too. Can't you tell?

I remember taking Cash outside so he and Heath could have some "man-time" with the new machine. At this stage, he loved looking up at the sky. It seemed to mesmerize him. He was also a very healthy little chunk. Can't you tell? Look at that belly, those thighs, and the rolls on his wrists. I love it!

My, how things have changed! 
We went from 1/3 acre to almost three acres, so we knew we would have to upgrade our lawn mower. Heath had been doing some major researching to see what would be best for our yard (hills and trees), and decided on this Cub Cadet mower. He got it at Faxon's in BG. It's used, but it works great. We were planning on using part of Heath's Christmas bonus to purchase it, so as soon as he got his check, he went to pick it up. The boys were crazy excited when Heath pulled in the driveway with it.

It was the perfect weather to test it out, too. Both got to ride on it up and down the driveway and around the yard. We had some tears when it was time to get off, but overall, all three of my boys were very happy!

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