Saturday, December 10, 2011

Getting some fresh air

After being cooped up in the house for a few days watching it rain, we decided that it was time to get some fresh air last weekend. The weather was decent, not real cold outside, and our runny noses were drying up. Heath was finishing some yard work (we had mountains of leaves!), so the boys thought they needed to check out daddy's work and explore a bit in the yard.

Cash grabbed a hoe, and headed for the leaves, but got side-tracked by the gravel. Do you notice the new boots? Thanks, Grammy! His monkey boots had seen better days, had two nice sized holes and let it cold air and water. It was time to retire them!

B was getting a bit sleepy and just seemed to wander around the yard. Love this face!

Do you see what I mean by mountains of leaves? He had them blown into two huge rows. Then he put his huge tarp between them, raked the leaves onto the tarp, then drug the tarp to the woods. It was quite the system!

Here's B trying to make it over one of the rows of leaves. It was bigger than he was!

Look! We have grass! It's been a long process, but we're finally getting an actual yard! Hopefully next year the grass will really take root and start to thicken.

Look what I found in the mud!

Not sure what they were doing here. I think Cash was hitting a sticky bush with his hoe, and I guess B was cheering him on. 

I cannot get enough of this face. Honestly, he can be the most stubborn, strong-willed boy in the world on days and it makes me want to pull out my hair! Other days he's sweet, agreeable and goofy. Either way, I'm so thankful for his spirit.

We were walking back to the house, and B found a deer track of his own! He'll be tracking them before too long!

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