Friday, December 2, 2011

Day One: A candle

Last night was the beginning of our Advent celebration. I had been praying for this night for awhile, asking that however it went, it would simply glorify God. With my two little guys, we never know how moods are going to be, how well they will sit and listen, etc. I read somewhere while preparing for Advent that the activities are not as important as the parents' attitude during the scripture reading, devotion, and so on. I prayed that Heath and I would be patient, and that for me especially, my mental image of a perfect Advent celebration wouldn't drive me to frustrations. That's not what this is all about! It's about sharing the story of Jesus with our two little guys.

After supper, we gave the boys their dessert (I've decided to do easy desserts while we are doing Advent, so they can eat it independently while Heath and I clear the table), and then Heath helped Cash pull down the first bag. Cash was so excited to open it!

I helped him pull out the first clue. Candle. We looked at the picture. He said it was fire (B was still licking the icing off his cookie, but was listening.) We talked about fire, what color it was, and with prompts we talked about what it does in the dark (lights things).

Heath read Isaiah 9:2-7 from his Bible. Cash and I listening carefully for the word "light"and "fire" as he read. (Note B still licking the icing from his cookie.)

After we listened to the scripture, we pulled out all the materials for our ornaments. B tried to stick his head through part of his and it tore. We all stayed calm as Heath taped it. :)

After putting some glue on the first piece, Cash laid the tissue paper on it. What an awesome job he did! I was so impressed with his listening skills. 

Then a little more glue to the second piece to complete the ornament. As the boys worked on the ornaments, Heath and I both discussed with them how Jesus was the light in a very dark world. We told them that by coming as a baby, He brought hope to us all. Cash asked a few questions. I was pleased with how well he seemed to understand the devotion.

Heath and B were busy, too. I could tell B was trying to do just what Cash did, and he did a great job. He just finished the night with a whole lot more glue on him than Cash did! 

After he attached the back, he used his scissors to trim the tissue paper.

Heath helped B with his scissors. A lefty helping a potential lefty cut with his right hand. Oh, dear.

We sang a Christmas song, prayed and then hung our ornaments on the tree.
Thank you, God, for this Advent season.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness; on them has light shined. Isaiah 9:2

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